
Let’s talk about the common problems of water-based paint in winter applications.

In winter, due to low temperature, freezing, rain and snow and other climates, it will bring many problems to the production and application of water-based paint. Let's talk about the common problems of water-based paint in winter applications. 

floor paint (612)
floor paint (615)

The common problems of waterborne one-component coatings in winter applications are mainly divided into three aspects, on the one hand, storage, on the other hand, film-forming, and on the other hand, drying.

Let's start with storage. The freezing point of water is 0 °C, so how to do a good job in the freeze-thaw stability of waterborne coatings is very necessary. We recommend that waterborne coatings not be stored in environments below 0°C for a long time.

Let's talk about drying. The application temperature of waterborne coatings is higher than 0 °C, preferably higher than 5 °C. Because of the low temperature, the surface drying time and dry time of waterborne coatings will be extended. Practical experience has shown that the surface drying time of some waterborne coatings may be as long as several hours, or even more than ten hours. The extended drying time will bring about the problem of hanging and welding rust. There is also a risk of adhesion and cracking.

Finally, the film formation, one-component acrylic paint has a minimum film forming temperature. If the temperature is too low to reach the minimum film-forming temperature of the coating, then after drying, it will not form a film, and without film-forming there is no way to start the anti-corrosion.

Here are some suggestions for some problems in winter:
1: Do a good job of antifreeze, that is, do a good job of freeze-thaw stability.
2: Do a good job of film formation, that is, add more film additives.
3: Do a good job of the factory viscosity of the coating, it is best to do not need to add water after the spray construction (water volatilization is particularly slow, it is best not to add later).
4: Do a good job of anti-flash rust work, long table drying, will bring the risk of weld rust.
5: Do a good job of speeding up the drying work, such as drying room, increasing ventilation and so on.

Post time: Oct-19-2022